GeoTools is a rich Java library, encompassing the core functionality necessary to build any geospatially enabled application:
- Spatial data file access
- Spatial database access
- Standards support
- Geographic Markup Language (GML)
- Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD)
- ISO Referencing Model
- Well-known Text Representations
- Coordinate reproject support
- Rendering pipeline
- Raster data access and transformation
Refractions has worked with GeoTools since 2003, enhancing it and providing maintenenace in support of our development work with Geoserver and uDig.

Engaged in the Community
GeoTools is a community development effort, and in order to work effectively with it, an organization needs connections with the developers. Refractions' history as a contributing organization, that currently employs and has employed in the past many of the GeoTools developers, provides a leg up in working with the community.
Community Development Overview
GeoTools is Java library, and makes use of a suite of common Java development frameworks:
- Maven for build control
- Javadoc for internal documentation
- Community participation via a wiki-oriented site (
- Bug tracking via JIRA
- Collaboration via mailing lists
- Real-time communication via IRC (irc://
Consulting and Development
Our past experience with GeoTools is extensive, and we are interested in building applications or enhancing GeoTools to meet customer needs.
Contact us about your GeoTools problem, and we'll provide free advice on your options for getting the job done right.
Open Source Community
Refractions contributes to GeoTools as a co-developer
with other companies and programmers from around the world.
Visit the GeoTools open source community site at