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uDIG 1.1 is Released
Refractions Research is pleased to announce the release of uDig 1.1. The previous release established uDIG as a highly customizable, open source, geospatial development platform with access to local data, a variety of databases and other Internet sources. Development of this second release has been made possible by the uDIG open source community, with special thanks to Hydrologis, Axios, Camp2Camp and Refractions. New functionality and an increased level of maturity make the platform even more attractive.
New capabilities of uDig 1.1 include:
Original development of uDIG in 2004 was supported in part by Canada's GeoConnections / GeoInnovations program. Since then an active community has developed with the result that uDIG is now being used operationally around the globe. This new release will make it the tool of choice for many disparate applications.
About Refractions Research:
Refractions Research is a world leader in open source geospatial technology. Responsible for the development of the PostGIS spatial database and the uDIG GIS desktop framework, Refractions is an active participant in many other open source projects. For further information please contact Jeff Lounsbury at Refractions Research, http://www.refractions.net.

New capabilities of uDig 1.1 include:
- Enhance editing, including a complete framework to support the creation of new tools
- Enhanced thematic styling; thanks to the ColorBrewer project for making some amazing palettes
- Table View supporting the use of Common Query Language
- A reshape operator that using CQL expressions to process features in an ad-hoc manner
- Creation of new feature types for PostGIS and shapefile
- Introduction of a Tasks based workflow, making use of data validation
- Mac OS/X support
Original development of uDIG in 2004 was supported in part by Canada's GeoConnections / GeoInnovations program. Since then an active community has developed with the result that uDIG is now being used operationally around the globe. This new release will make it the tool of choice for many disparate applications.
About Refractions Research:
Refractions Research is a world leader in open source geospatial technology. Responsible for the development of the PostGIS spatial database and the uDIG GIS desktop framework, Refractions is an active participant in many other open source projects. For further information please contact Jeff Lounsbury at Refractions Research, http://www.refractions.net.